Seven tips to improve your vertical jump training

Do you want to know how maximize your athletic potential?

There are stories all over about people who seem shorter, weaker, and slower than you are, yet with better verticals than you. But if you've tried everything available to gain inches on your vert, and still haven't succeeded, then you may be asking yourself: "What do they have that I don't?"

What is the difference between those athletes and you?

Successful athletes have learned to be successful during their workout routine which you have to learn. Most people give up on their dreams after seemingly endless struggling because they think trial and error will get them there. The truth is this: if trial and error were all it took, YOU and everyone else would be DUNKING by now! This is really too bad, because it's actually possible for ANYONE to add 10 inches to their vertical.

1. Be Confident.

This the biggest personal hurdle that can make or break you. The results you want will take something special and with a market overflowing with products. To reach your maximum potential have have to forget about gains of 3 inches or even 6, to achieve your maximum potential vert you need 10 inches.

When you start getting the results the motivation takes over and your results speak for themselves. Investing more time and energy into this will increase your confidence and improve your results.

2. Work rate and effort

With the latest most up to date vert leap technology getting inches on your vert is easier than ever but this depends on your effort. Here are some tips;

  • Commitment requires goal setting and you have to write down the goals to stay focused! Decide on the gain you want and how you are going to train to achieve it.
  • Quality is always the most important factor, add to that repetition and effort and by working smarter you work harder and gain results

3. Create synergy with flexibility

Flexibility has a number of benefits, it prevents injuries as your body can cope with a wider range of motion, it helps your form and it improves your strength and quickness. You are also more relaxed when training and get a wider range of muscle use.Here is an important tip;

  • Pre and post workout stretching is important. Follow a good stretching routine to ensure you reach your max during your workout.To warm up use jogging and dribbling as low intensity workouts.

4. Mentor

A mentor means that he/she is a personal trainer who by his or her expertise and experience, has the ability to guide YOU as an individual towards your physical and mental goals. By working with you individually, you'll have the confidence that you understand the path you're taking is the correct one. And you can have any questions that you come across answered. Benefits when it comes to having a mentor:

  • You will have questions when you start a vertical jump training program. Whether it's ambiguity in the amount of training you should be doing per day, to the kinds of nutrition you need in your daily diet, there's no question that having someone around to address those issues will be helpful.
  • Ask any number of people to name the most influential people in their lives and teaches, coaches, and mentors will always come up. This is because coaches are so often vital in our lives as they guide us through difficult challenges.
  • Not just anyone should be a mentor; it should be someone who has the ability to inspire, teach, and encourage, and it should be someone who practices what they preach.

5. Success doesn't have to be complicated

There are a lot of programs selling you supplements and the requirement of a weight room and a whole lot of other things you "have to have"! The truth is this is not necessary.

  • Why try and find your own way to dunking when others have paved the way for you and found the quickest, easiest way to success?
  • Why spend a lot of money on things that don't work? In today's economy, the value of something that works right the first time is especially appreciated.
  • Why look for something that is unusually ineffective, complicated, wordy, confusing, or full of hype when there is a pathway to success that is straightforward and inexpensive?

6. Learn from the professionals

Adding inches to your vert is simple. Improving your form will automatically give you a couple inches to your vert.

The pros know how to make it look good, but form is doesn't just to look good, it brings results. Study the following to get started:

Study how the pro's do it and follow this great form improving tip from Jacob Hiller;

  • Exaggerate your last step to effectively lower your body before taking the leap and you'll be able to fly into the air. Watch the way the NBA players do it and you'll be shocked.

7. Correct recovery more important than working out

It will be impossible to keep the gains you achieved from training without the correct diet and recovery. A successful athlete knows how to use the recovery process to achieve this result; Here are some tips;

  • Correct nutrition is the best way to ensure you achieve proper gains outside of your workout. So eat right!
  • A chain is only strongest as its weakest link, the same goes for your training. A lack of recovery will hold you back from reaching your highest potential.

Learn how to get the most out of your workout to ensure you get the best results. Jump Manual training shows you how to achieve this result.

Article source:Ezine Articles

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